Learn Hindi Through English

Learn Hindi Through English

The function of conjunction is to hook up!These are simply known as joining words. These words join two sentences together so that the sentence gets its meaning.

In simpler form conjunction is a word which joins two words, sentences, clauses & phrases with each other.

e.g.and, so , but, that, as well as,before etc.

This will be more clear from the following sentences. The words marked in “Bold” are conjunctions.

a) Preeti and Supriya are weak in Mathematics.

b) Rohan and Amit are good athletes.

c) Sumit is good in acting but Karan is best.

d) He is small but strong.

e) My brother and I went to the market.

f) Think before you speak.

g) I went to KulluManali with my family.

i) Rohan and Shailesh are best friends.

j) Maruti and Suzuki are two different companies.

So we have seen that conjunctions are very important part of speech as it connects two sentences. If we do not use conjunction then the conversation or writing will become lengthy.


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