Learn English Grammar  

Learn English Grammar
A metaphor is a literary device or a figure of speech in which comparison is made between two unlike or dissimilar things. It uses an image, a story or a proper example to express a quality or a situation. It is the comparison of a situation with a real thing. It can be a single word or a complete sentence. For Example: a blanket of snow, a heart of stone, etc. Here is a list of metaphors with their meanings:

Albatross: A burden that is psychological and sometimes may make you feel cursed

prison: anywhere where you feel captivated and suffocated

Broken Heart: Used to describe intense suffering or emotional pain due to the loss of a loved one

eagle eyes: someone who has eyes with excellent vision

Belling the cat: To perform a task that is very difficult or dangerous

four eyes : a person who wears glasses

Battle of egos: Competitions based on just pride

A heart of gold. : A person who is sweet, kind, generous and of good nature

sunny disposition : someone who has a happy personality

A heart of stone: A person who cannot show sympathy and have a cold nature

egg head : a person who studies too much

blockhead : a foolish person

A rainbow of flavours: A variety of unique choices to pick from

rocket scientist : refers to a very intelligent person

Apple of my eye: Used for someone very beloved

airhead : a stupid person

numbskull : a stupid person

bird brain : a stupid person

Cold feet: Having doubt that’s so strong that it prevents a course of action that was planned

lion-hearted : generous

It’s raining men: The abundance of male suitors

forked tongue : a tongue/mouth, which speaks duplicity

butter fingers : fingers, which are clumsy

green thumb : a talent for growing plants

Storm: something that is unexpected


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