How to Learn English Grammar

How to Learn English Grammar
Group discussion has become an integral part of an interview these days. It is a platform for sharing the ideas or opinion on a particular topic and debate upon. There is a small group of candidates who participate in group discussion. They are given a topic to debate on expressing their point of view. There is a time limit after which the best candidate is selected by the judge. It is not tough to crack. Follow the tips for group discussion given below and move on.

  1. Preparation: It becomes easy to prepare if you know the topic of group discussion. Find out everything about it. Read the topic thoroughly, get to know the point of view of other people on it and finally analyse and decide what you think about it. Select the words you can use to explain your point of view, look for their pronunciation and practice saying it. If possible choose someone as your mentor who can identify and correct your mistakes. In this way you can prepare well in advance before the actual session.

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