How to Learn English Grammar  

How to Learn English Grammar
The learners from Gulf are so contented with the product & the teachers that now they have started referring their friends & family for English leap’s spoken English course. They have assigned specific teachers to teach them to focus on quick improvement. As the focal point is Spoken English so in every class there is a topic for conversation on which the learner can speak & express his views. Thus in gives dual benefits of speaking practise along with exercising their grey cells to get new ideas.
A new topic is introduced for conversation in the each class. Thus the learner doesn’t have much time to prepare beforehand. So they have to think quickly & then speak on it. This enables them to get rid of their hesitation &the ability to answer anything in a short span of time. Consequently the learner becomes more fluent in English. Also according to the feedback of few learners, they are also finding these classes useful to prepare for IELTS examination.


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