English Tenses
English Tenses
The English communication is accepted internationally & hence Learning English is important. The best thing is that we can master English language by following few tips which will bring a major change.
Follow the tips given below & experience change in your English Communication.
Make a habit of reading English newspapers, books, short stories, novels.
Learn & memorise atleast five new words in a day & try to use them in your conversation.
Read aloud to improve your pronunciation & to get rid of hesitation.
Grammar is the backbone of any language & so is for learning English. The knowledge of Tenses, articles, verbs, modals etc. improves the accuracy. Refer any book or online content for it.
Watch the English news like BBC , CNN etc to learn the accent. Observe the way the reporters speak & practise it on your own.
Practise English conversation with a companion or a group. It is preferable to have a mentor ho can point out & correct your mistakes.