Collective Nouns Examples

Collective Nouns Examples
Learn English grammar initially if you are a beginner because it will lay a strong foundation for learning English. It is important to know the basic concepts before using them in sentences. After learning grammar, use various interactive modules available to test your understanding. If you are an expert, then just have a fleeting look to brush up the concepts.
The next ladder is reading which is one of the ways to enhance your vocabulary because while reading you pick up a lot of unfamiliar words. It is recommended to jot down all such words and find out their meanings. Make use of online dictionary. Though virtual, it’s like a teacher besides you! Read as many English articles, newspapers, books, blogs as you can to improve reading.
Nouns are simply the names we give to everything around us, whether it be a person, an event, a place or an object, etc. Every particular name used to define something is a noun. E.g. : Amsterdam, Anita, Blackberry, Honesty, Waiter, etc.

The names given to a group of noun to identify them as a whole are calledCollective Nouns. E.g.: pride of lions, gaggle of geese etc.
Nouns or pronouns can also modify themselves to show possession of another noun, usually by attaching ‘s’ to the end of the noun. These nouns that show possession are called Possessive Nouns.
Sometimes nouns have different forms for different genders, although this practice has been largely abandoned by the people who prefer to use the same noun for both genders.


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