English Leap

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How to Learn English Fluently

How to Learn English Fluently
Follow the tips given below & experience change in your English Communication.
 Make a habit of reading English newspapers, books, short stories, novels.
 Learn & memorise atleast five new words in a day & try to use them in your conversation.
 Read aloud to improve your pronunciation & to get rid of hesitation.
 Grammar is the backbone of any language & so is for learning English. The knowledge of Tenses, articles, verbs, modals etc. improves the accuracy. Refer any book or online content for it.

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How to Learn English Fluently

How to Learn English Fluently
In today’s world it is inevitable and important to know English. English is in demand everywhere like jobs, studies, business etc & hence it is essential to learn English. Having fair knowledge of English not only boost the confidence but also improves the understanding on all perspectives as it is preferred everywhere.
The English communication is accepted internationally & hence Learning English is important. The best thing is that we can master English language by following few tips which will bring a major change.

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Types of Pronouns

Types of Pronouns
Grammar exercises will help you
Try doing different grammar exercises and find out your weaknesses. These exercises are freely available on the internet. It is only after you are able to correctly assess your weaknesses that you will be able to rectify them.

Find a mentor
Many learners have improved their grammar working with a mentor. A mentor could even be a friend who has a strong command over English grammar. You must speak only in English with your mentor and ask the mentor to point out your mistakes. This real time feedback is very beneficial in improving grammar.

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Types of Pronouns

Types of Pronouns
As a first step, it is important to know the different building blocks of grammar like nouns, pronouns, articles, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. The internet is full of resources about these and it is usually a good idea to understand them well.

Pay attention to sentence structures
When you read an article or watch a movie, it is important to pay attention to how sentences are constructed. This practice helps ingrain different sentence structures and will help your spoken and written English.

Practice when you can
This tip can never be overemphasized. As an English learner, it is extremely important for you to talk in English at any given opportunity. If you do not have partners to practise with, then try to speak in front of the mirror.

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Types of Pronouns

Types of Pronouns
Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are words that join parts of sentences that are grammatically similar. The use of coordinating conjunctions in a sentence shows that the joined sentences are equal in terms of importance and structure. For example:

‘I like pizza and pasta.’

‘Sachin likes Indian food, but Gaurav likes Chinese.’

Notice that coordinating conjunctions ‘and’ and ‘but’ always come in between the sentences or words that are joined.

When independent clauses are joined by conjunctions then it is advisable to place comma before the conjunction.

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Types of Pronouns

Types of Pronouns
A conjunction is a word that joins two words or sentences in order to make the text flow. When you read sentences which has conjunctions you will have a better understanding of the meaning of the sentence. Look at the following example:

· Ria went to the school. Her husband went to the office. Grandmother took care of the baby.

· Ria went to the school and her husband went to the office so the grandmother took care of the baby.

First example has three sentences. The second example is one sentence with ‘and’ and ‘so’ connecting the sentences. Here, ‘and’ and ‘so’ are conjunctions.

There are three main types of conjunctions; Coordinating Conjunctions, Subordinating Conjunctions and Correlative Conjunctions. Here we will look at the usage of Coordinating Conjunctions in English.

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Interjection Examples

Interjection Examples
Think you have reached office in the morning & you find letter. You have opened it and found that it is your “Promotion letter” ! What will be the first word which you speak??? WOW!, YES I GOT IT FINALLY, THANK U GOD !etc .etc…
What are these words called in English vocabulary ?
Yes u got it right. These words are called as “Interjections”.
So lets make it simple.
The words through which we express our feelings or emotions are called as Interjections.

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Interjection Examples

Interjection Examples
Practice when you can
This tip can never be overemphasized. As an English learner, it is extremely important for you to talk in English at any given opportunity. If you do not have partners to practise with, then try to speak in front of the mirror.
Grammar exercises will help you
Try doing different grammar exercises and find out your weaknesses. These exercises are freely available on the internet. It is only after you are able to correctly assess your weaknesses that you will be able to rectify them.

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Interjection Examples

Interjection Examples
Grammar is the set of rules that govern the usage of English language. A strong grasp of English grammar is therefore of the greatest importance.
Most non-native English speakers make grammatical mistakes while speaking in English. Improving grammar takes time and effort but it is well worth it. Here are some tips which will help you improve English grammar

Understand the building blocks of grammar
As a first step, it is important to know the different building blocks of grammar like nouns, pronouns, articles, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. The internet is full of resources about these and it is usually a good idea to understand them well.

Pay attention to sentence structures
When you read an article or watch a movie, it is important to pay attention to how sentences are constructed. This practice helps ingrain different...

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Group Discussion Tips

Group Discussion Tips
Use simple language and learn some useful phrases to participate in group discussion:
Don’t try to impress others by using high vocabulary and technical words. Use simple English language which can be easily understood by others. To make your speech effective, you can use some useful phrases like –
Giving your opinion:-Be the discussion with the phrases like “In my opinion”, If you ask me”, “As far as I am concerned” etc.
Seeking other’s opinion:- Use the phrases like “What’s your idea?”, “What do you think about it?”
On agreeing: To express agreement use the words like absolutely, exactly or the phrases like “You are absolutely right”, “That’s true”.
On Disagreeing: To express strong disagreement say “I totally disagree” else say “I have different opinion about it”. Remember to disagree with someone’s opinion, don’t attack the person.
But ensure to be polite while...

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